munchman: Huffington Post Wants Fiction from Old Folks

Um, sorry, LB, but you always say we gotta call ’em as we see ’em. Here’s the article by none other than Mrs. Tom Hanks. I’m guessing she’s eligible as hell for this deal, but she’s you know, so old that I’m not even interested in googling her to make sure.

Be that as it may:

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close New York Premiere

Huff/Post50 Fiction: Seeking Short Stories
by Rita Wilson

Calling all fiction writers 50 and older! Huff/Post50 is seeking short-story submissions from our readers. We believe storytelling is a powerful art form and tool for self-expression, and we have a feeling there’s a lot of hidden writing talent among our audience just waiting to be discovered.

Since October 2011, Huff/Post50 has provided a unique platform for bloggers to explore the issues and ideas that matter most to Post50s. Now we’d like to extend this opportunity to fiction writers. Of course, you are welcome to write on any topic, including subjects that have nothing to do with age.

The rules: You must be 50 or older to enter. Writers can submit only one story per year, and all pieces must be 5,000 words or less. Please send your original submissions, as well as your contact details, to We can’t wait to hear from you and showcase the best work!

Go to the source to see if the article mentions payment anywhere cuz I sure as hell didn’t see that. And if any over50 writers decide to work for nothing that’ll prove what we’ve suspected: That they’re just as easy to dupe as us youngsters.

EDITED TO ADD: Some people here are worried that this article is offensive. They want me to put in a Don Rickles “Oh shucks, folks, just kidding, I do this with love” kind of disclaimer. Truth is I do write things like this with love – but mostly it’s cuz I love being a dick.

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