Latest News About Writers Who Are Doing Better Than We Are
Aaron Buchsbaum & Teddy Riley (newbs!) are developing a CBS comedy called ON THE FENCE about “the shifting dynamic of friends as they navigate their late twenties.” (At last, our life brought to the wee screen Oh, wait, although we definitely are part of a shifting dynamic and are in our late twenties, we don’t – sob – have any friends. Why does this series have to mock us? Why?)
Ryan Shiraki (AWKWARD) is writing a Fox comedy about a working class family in Bakersfield. (This show is billed as “based on Shiraki’s real-life upbringing in Hawaii….” Of course. Bakersfield-Hawaii. Everybody knows they’re practically the same.)
Greg Malins (HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER) has sold ODD COUPLE FAMILIES, a comedy about people who have to spend way too much time with their kids’ friends, to Fox. (Where, evidently, none of the D-Peeps has kids cuz let’s get real here. How much time does any parent ever spend with the parents of their kids’ pals? Nada, right? Unless – oh God – my parents weren’t like everybody else?)
Chris Fedak (CHUCK) is writing an untitled NBC drama pilot about people who get a new chance at normal lives because of an anonymous organ donor. (This better be a horror project about the donor being a strangler/mass murderer cuz otherwise we’re heading to Netflix whenever this show is on.)
Keenan Ivory Wayans (if you don’t know who he is, fuhgeddaboudit) is writing the pilot for a comedy series about “what happens when the whitest guy in America marries into a…close-knit African-American family.” (What happens? What happens? Why, hilarity happens, of course. Cruel, mocking derisive Wayans humor…which we just happen to luv.)
Rebecca Sinclair (90210) is developing a surfer drama set in 1961 for The CW. (Cuz all us kids born after 1985 have a great big bone on for Malibu life back when our mommies and daddies were toddlers. Wow, talk about can’t miss!)