Time now to reach out to everyone about what’s happening with the TVWriter™ Online Workshops. No time to waste, so:
I’m hoping to hold the Basic Online TV and Film Writing Workshop in October, which, yep, is next month.
The 8-week long (one meeting a week) TVWriter.Com Basic Online Workshop covers just that, the basics of TV (and film!) writing, from how to present your idea via loglines and leavebehinds, to character creation and story structure, to the writing of the 1st draft and revisions. We do this via my book (here comes the pitch) Television Writing from the Inside Out,weekly writing exercises, and of course weekly video (and text if you don’t want to do video) chat meetings.
I’m not going to schedule the class until it’s full, which is why all I can say now about when I’ll be holding it is “next month.” The good news about that is that if you enroll soon we’ll get everything sorted and you won’t be left out. The not so good news about it is that my definition of a full class is 6 students, so if you don’t enroll soon there may be a place for you.
The price is $299. Details and the sign-up page, as we like to say in the e-newsletter mailings, are HERE.
For those of you who are ready for the Advanced Workshop, it’s already up and running, as it has been continuously for about a dozen years. The next session of 4 weekly meetings starts September 26, 2012. Your job is to write 10 pages a week on the project you’re most invested in and to read 10 pages a week by each of the other students. My job is to read and make copious notes so we can do the video/text chat thing. Again, the maximum number of students is 6 and there are liable to be several carryovers from the current session, so my advice is to hurry.
The price is $140. For this one, the details and sign-up page are HERE.
I’d also like to take a minute to talk about a class that I give on a kind of “as-needed” basis. It’s called the Larry Brody Master Class and it’s for writers who are working pros, former working pros, or who really, really, really, no kidding, we absolutely mean it, qualified to be working pros and are actively working toward their break.
Up to now, the 4-week long Master Class has been by invitation only, but something penetrated my normally thick skull just the other day: I really don’t know every writer in the world who’s qualified to be in this class. So, as a kind of trial run, I’m throwing this out there to everyone. If you have a finished, or almost finished half-hour or one-hour script and think it’s ready to roll in the Major Leagues, there may be room for as many as 2 of you in the Master Class session that starts next week, September 11, 2012.
Specific info and the sign-up form are on a password-protected page here at TVWriter™. To find out if I agree that you’re ready for the intensity of this particular experience email me HERE and send a sample of your current work. If I fall in love and the 2 remaining places in what is, at most, a 3-student class aren’t filled, I’ll send you the URL and the password. The price, meanwhile, is $279.
I’m really serious about this “Better writing means better TV” business that appears in various places on this site. And even more serious about the “Achieving your dreams means a better life” concept that is the focus of so much of my thinking these days. If these things appeal to you, hey, c’mon, get in touch.