Larry David Feature Film Going Straight to HBO

…Because all those companies making $200 million dollar budget tent pole movies were too cheap to ante up.

Not this film, another one starring Jon Hamm

Larry David’s Movie Now for HBO, Not Theaters – by Margaret Lyons (Vulture.Com)

Larry David’s upcoming movie starring Jon Hamm and Michael Keaton looks like it won’t be a theatrical release after all. According to the L.A.Times, HBO offered a bigger budget than Fox Searchlight, so the mostly secret project appears to be heading to HBO instead of the big screen. Neurosis is format-neutral, though, so as long as this movie comes together in some capacity, we’re happy. (Well, “happy.” It’s a Larry David project. No one is happy-happy.)

Okay, so the only other bidder wasn’t a megabucks-spending studio but the artsy distribution arm of one of them. It’s still a rejection that probably was unwarranted. What happened? Fox Searchlight didn’t think that the star of MAD MEN was worth more than a buck ninety-five?

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