Joss Whedon Co-Writing, Directing S.H.I.E.L.D. Pilot at ABC

‘Cuz ABC is part of the Disney/Marvel/ABC Family, capish? Think for one minute any Marvel pilots are going to be developed at CBS?

ABC Orders Marvel’s ‘S.H.I.E.L.D.’ to Pilot From Joss Whedon – by Lesley Goldberg

Three weeks after Disney CEO Robert Iger announced Joss Whedon would create a Marvel-related TV series for ABC, the network has made good on his vow.

ABC has given pilot orders toS.H.I.E.L.D, with the Avengersscribe on board to co-write the project based on the Marvel comic, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed.

From ABC Studios, the project is based on the long-running comic created by Jack Kirby and revolves around the secret military law enforcement agency dubbed S.H.I.E.L.D., which stands for Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistic Directorate.

Whedon is on board to co-pen the pilot alongside his brother Jed Whedon, and his wife, Maurissa Tancharoen, who all previously teamed on the three-part web series Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. (The CW will air the Neil Patrick HarrisNathan FillionFelicia Day starrer in October.) Avengersand Buffy the Vampire Slayer mastermind Whedon will direct the pilot, should his schedule permit

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We first saw this announcement about an hour ago and would’ve waited till tomorrow to post it since, hey, our workday is done and we’re supposed to be off the clock. But we bent our principles just a skosh and got right on it after discovering that since then it’s spread all over the interweb.

And why shouldn’t it spread? It’s got everything Hollywood stands for, including:

  • Nepotism (Joss’s brother and sister-in-law as co-writers)


  • Heart (Jack Kirby given sole credit for S.H.I.E.L.D., which, btw, is a very annoying – and difficult – name to type)

Still, we’re kind of moved by the fact that this particular Big Web News isn’t your typical meme/viral video, etc. Nosirree, it’s good, old-fashioned Very Important, um, comic book news.

Our grandparents would never have believed this. Not in a zillion years. Old gramps used to tell stories about buying comics at the “drugstore,” whatever that was, and walking them over to the barber shop so he could read them while waiting for and then getting his haircut. And then he’d have to leave the comics on the table of throwaway reading material in the shop because his mother wouldn’t allow them in the house.

And you’re worried about “Big Government” being out of control?!

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