Get “Television Writing from the Inside Out” Free Today, Tomorrow & The Next Day Too

Yes indeed, that means today, July 3rd, tomorrow July 4th, and  July 5th for, well, good measure you could say.tvwritingbookCapture

Actually, it was free as of July 1st, but we totally spaced it.

That was probably cuz we figured that the book’s been selling so well for so long that the last thing it needed was any kind of added marketing oomph. So you know how it goes, that meant it couldn’t really be happening.

When asked what the heck is going on here, LB replied, “It’s not about need. I like giving gifts. And this is the most worthwhile gift I can imagine for anyone who wants to write TV. What better way to celebrate our country’s birthday than by giving something so worthwhile?”

Oh, LB, you silver-tongued devil, you.

So there you have it, a free copy of the newly revised Television Writing from the Inside Out, just in time for those of you who are all up for joining the TVWriter™ Basic Online Workshop that starts July 16th. But even if you aren’t signing up, we recommend the download. E-books are cool. Free books are cool. And LB is kinda cool too (although maybe not so much as he thinks). So get your freebie while you can.

Click Above for Your Free Book!

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