Get Ready for Your Decorator TV

Hey, we’re TV! We’re superficial! And we’re going to completely fulfill our superficiality potential! NOW!

IKEA’s New Take on TVs: They Should Look Good in Your House
By Lee Neikirk

IKEA announced in early April of this year that they’re soon releasing a new kind of television. It’s not engineered with any new technology—at least, not in the way most people would think. IKEA’s TV, called Uppleva, is more than a TV: it’s also its own entertainment center, Blu-ray player, and audio system.

Francis Cayouette, one of the designers behind Uppleva, said during the Milan showing of the TV: “People actually consider the TV as a piece of furniture, but it is always something that looked very technical, has a lot of cables, is complicated, and just doesn’t fit in the home environment.” Whether you agree with this implied credo of a home environment or not, the man does have a point. He goes on to explain that the idea behind Uppleva was to merge the worlds of home furnishing and electronics.

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