If you think that the current version of once-mighty DALLAS is bland, wait till you see the kinds of questions showrunner Cynthia Cidre is asked in this article. If these are the concerns of our Mighty OldMedia critics, well, no wonder the real world has become so much like IDIOCRACY. (What’s IDIOCRACY? It behooves everyone to find out.)

Dallas‘ Exec Producer Talks About the Shocking Season Finale – by William Keck
J.R. didn’t get shot, but he may very well shoot himself when he finds out that a Barnes has once again infiltrated his family. And this time, that Barnes is carrying a set of Ewing heirs! That’s right, TNT’s Dallas relaunch concluded its first season with the stunning twist that Rebecca — Christopher’s estranged bride and the mother of his unborn twins — is actually the daughter of age-old Ewing nemesis, Cliff Barnes.
And that wasn’t the only cliffhanger fans are left to ponder until January, when the saga picks up with 15 new episodes. Executive producer Cynthia Cidre, who managed to make the decades-old primetime soap water cooler fodder for a new generation, took time away from penning Season 2 to answer a few burning questions.
TV Guide Magazine: Having wrapped a successful first season, what do you feel worked and didn’t work in Dallas‘ first 10 hours?
Cynthia Cidre: I think we had a few too many hairpin turns, which are fun, but with the next 15 episodes I’d rather let some more emotional moments breathe. I was watching the deleted scenes in the DVD box we’re going to put out and there were some lovely scenes that I can’t believe we cut out [for time purposes].TV Guide Magazine: I know you had to lose a sweet scene with J.R. and Sue Ellen dancing at the Ewing barbecue, and another with Sue Ellen and Cliff walking through downtown Dallas. What were some of your favorite moments that didn’t make it on screen?
Cidre: They were all emotional scenes; scenes where people were talking about feelings and were beautifully done. When your shows come in 10 minutes over, these are the scenes that go because you have to stick to the plot for the shows to make sense. So next season we will be writing scripts that are 10 pages shorter so we won’t have to cut out the fun flavor and humor.TV Guide Magazine: And what worked particularly well that you plan to continue in Season 2?
Cidre: I’d like to have more music. And I personally love our [week-to-week] cliffhangers and whoppers. I think they are surprising people. I read some reactions to the finale and it seems like they didn’t see it coming.
“I’d like to have more music?” Len Katzman (look him up after you learn about IDIOCRACY) is rolling/roiling/rumbling in his grave.

“Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?
“I’d like to have more music.”