Hard at Work Here…

…setting up this new version of TVWriter.Com, mostly trying to figure out how to best use the blog elements so the site can be as entertaining as it is informative. (Note to self: “Informative” is not a funny word.)

What Showbiz is All About

Been thinking about posting snippets, vids, etc. like the one above from other blogs and showbiz web pages, sort of like expanded tweets. (Hey, don’t forget to follow us.) Also about recruiting my working friends and long-time site users for blog work here. Lots of ideas percolating, but I can always use more because I’ve worked in the biz long enough to realize that picking the brains of others is, you know, easier than giving myself a headache by thinking too much. Bottom line: Your suggestions will be hotly welcomed. Either as Comments or in e-mail, whatever.


LB: I still don’t know Ken Levine…

…but he sure knows what it’s like to write for TV. Here’s what Memorial Day means to writers:

Memorial Day then staff work begins!

Happy Memorial Day. This is the time of the year when writing staffs go back to work. If you’re an aspiring TV scribe, I hope someday that’ll be you. Here’s what you can sort of expect…at least on the comedy side.

The first week will just be sharing vacation stories, home remodeling nightmares, debating the Dan Harmon firing,  trashing WHITNEY. You’ll go out for long lunches, bitch about how much other writers make, compare Prius prices, recommend apps for your iPad and iPhone, and discuss the upcoming summer movie slate. My blog might come up. Half will like it, half will think it’s a piece of shit.

Our Mission

By Larry Brody

TVWriter™  is about you. The new writer. And you. The experienced writer. The writer in search of knowledge. The writer perfecting his or her skill. The writer dreaming about “making it” in the media today.

Want to become part of showbiz as we currently know it? A writer or writer-producer of sitcoms or dramas or action series? A writer or writer-producer of television movies? A writer or writer-director of feature films?

Great! Terrific! TVWriter™  is for YOU. read article

Ken Levine on COMMUNITY & Dan Harmon

And now, a pro’s view of the Dan Harmon/COMMUNITY debacle.

By a really good and very, very credible pro.

No, I’m not talking about myself. This is from the great Ken Levine. (Check out his credits and you’ll see what I mean.) read article