Here they are, the TVWriter™ posts TeamTVWriter likes best for the week ending today, Friday, July 6th:
munchman: The Future of FRINGE
munchman: Romance Writing Tips (WTF?)
munchman: Jon Lovett Creates a TV Series
We know what you’re thinking, so let’s stop right there. munchman is hot on this site right now, sure. He has a Big Following, definitely. But even if you disagree that the posts we’ve cited above are the best of the best (although how could you?) that doesn’t mean that these choices are – oh, what’s the word? Yeah, ” pandering.”
No, no, no, no. They’re marketing, is all.
MARKETING, we say.
EDITED BY LB TO ADD: FTR, I disagree with “TeamTVWriter” today. I think munchman’s mellowed out too much recently. The posts above are all way too soft for me. My choices for Posts of the Week are:
As you know, Lawrence, from our many meetings. We never broke for munch. gs