THR’s Guide to San Diego Comic-Con Parties

…Because we all know what party animals writers are:

Comic-Con 2012: THR’s Full Guide to Parties in San Diego
by Leslie Goldberg

Many in Hollywood trek from Hollywood to Comic-Con not for any panel in Hall H, not to see if there are any comic properties to snap up, but for the thriving party scene that has cropped up over the past decade.

From movie and television studios to video game companies and publishers, the selection has never been greater for parties to hit. But getting invites still requires some Hollywood-style wheeling and dealing.

Here’s The Hollywood Reporter‘s full guide to parties at Comic-Con International, set to kick off Wednesday, July 11 with Preview Night.

Wednesday, July 11

• HitFix Kick Off Party. The popular website likes to unravel the carpet for the Con with an event that caters primarily to bloggers and the media. 9 p.m., Solamar Hotel.

• While Summit Entertainment’s Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 Hall H panel is Thursday, the studio throwing a star-studded bash the night before, becoming the evening’s de facto heavy. Invitation only. 10 p.m.-1 a.m., Float at the Hard Rock Hotel.

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Which brings to mind a couple of questions:

  1. Is Lesley Goldberg related to Molly Goldberg?
  2. Is Lesley Goldberg related to Lee Goldberg?

Just askin’.

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