No, silly, not that kind of rapture. We’re talking the Big One, not what the French refer to as the Little Death.
Damon Lindelof returns to TV to film the Rapture for HBO
by Meredith Woerner
Damon Lindelof is getting back to his television roots with Tom Perotta’s The Leftovers, a supremely wild novel about what happens to those left behind after the Rapture. The two are currently in talks to adapt this book for an HBO series.
According to Vulture, Lindelof is hot to make The Leftovers a television series. We’re in, as long as Perrotta stays on board to reel in Lindelof’s flightier script tendencies. Here’s the book’s synopsis:
TVWriter™ could really get behind this too, if Lindelof thinks it out a little more clearly than he did LOST. So the series can, you know, move forward like a real story instead of just a puzzle.