Taking Back Kickstarter

What’s that, bunky? You say you’re feeling tired, defeated even because media pros like Charlie Kaufman, David Lynch, Paul Schrader, and way too many others are monopolizing Kickstarter and getting the funding you know should have been earmarked for you?

You need to learn how to work it, dude. How to make Kickstarter your bitch. And Michael Cavna and Keith Knight are here to tell you just what to do:

HOW TO KICKSTARTER: Cartoonist Keith Knight’s 14 Tips for a More Successful Funding Campaign
by Michael Cavna

IT’S ONLY NOW, more than a month later, that Keith Knight fully realizes he didn’t quite know what he was doing.

“I went into it rather naive on what to do,” Knight tells Comic Riffs of his successful $40,000 Kickstarter funding campaign for his comic “I Was a Teenage Michael Jackson Impersonator.” Fortunately, “It was with the help of several readers who wrote and said: ‘I know you don’t wanna be rude bugging people about this, but [here’s] something you gotta do if you wanna make it happen…”

So that all fund-seeking creators and generous fans might benefit from his wisdom and missteps — from the finances to the psychology — here are Keith Knight’s 14 Tips for a More Successful Kickstarter:

1. I’D HAVE a countdown on my website saying, “10-9-8 [etc.] days till the launch of my Kickstarter Campaign!!”

2. A FEW FOLKS said I put the funding goal too high. They said the way to do it is to set it at the lowest level that you’d do it for, because it’ll definitely get reached, and most likely surpassed, and then people get all giddy and throw tons more money on top. People love a winner.

3. BE SURE that your campaign launches ends during the week, not the weekend. Weekends are where Kickstarter campaigns go to die.

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