And TVWriter™ ‘s Must-Visit Websites Are…? keep asking what the TVWriter™ I.S.’s (that’s Indentured Servants, actually) visit when we go interwebbing. Which we do, sure, every once in awhile whenever we get the chance constantly, as a matter of fact.

Each of us has a number of favorite sites, of course, but do you really want to know that munchman lives and dies by what he finds on TMZ and Naughty Alysha ? Yeah, we didn’t think so.

As an entity, though, TVWriter™ has Feedly RSS account that takes our spies writers to the places that we think will mean the most to our visitors in terms of productivity, resources, wacky web memes, that kind of thing. So for those who want to surf with us, here’s a clickable list of faves: read article