Our Last Network Executive Bio

Erm, probably. (Would you believe maybe?) We’re just doing this because we feel sorry for NBC, which needs all the positive P.R. it can buy get.

Meet Pearlena Igbokwe, NBC’s New Executive Vice President of Drama Programming
by Alanna Bennett

NBC has named its new head drama exec, and it is veteran TV executive Pearlena Igbokwe. She’s been working with Showtime for the past 20 years, during which time she worked on the development of shows like Dexter, Nurse Jackie, The Big C, and the upcoming Masters of Sex. Oh, and she also happens to be a woman of color. As someone who follows television news as if it held the same national importance as the electoral race, and who also happens to be a woman of color, this makes me pretty happy.

I started this post as a simple congratulations to Igbokwe, but after further probing into her internet presence I seem to be developing a rapid inspiration-crush. For instance, take this excerpt from her Twitter bio: “[I] believe only in Star Wars and Empire, not the other travesties.” In other words, she’s our kind of woman.

Igbokwe will be stepping into the shoes of Laura Lancaster, who departed from NBC just yesterday, and will be reporting to NBC Entertainment’s president Jennifer Salke.

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You know, this is one of the best-written articles we’ve ever read on the web. Hey, Alanna Bennett, want a new gig? (Maybe, if NBC really had paid us to carry this, we’d even be able to afford to pay…)


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