Is Kickstarter the New Cavalry?

Upset because you can’t get funding for your film? Think how Bret Easton Ellis and Paul Schrader must have felt.


The Canyons is a contemporary thriller written by Bret Easton Ellis (Less Than Zero, American Psycho, etc.) to be directed by Paul Schrader (Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Affliction, Auto-Focus, etc.)  The Canyons documents five twenty-something’s quest for power, love, sex and success in 2012 Hollywood….

The Canyons team has realized that Kickstarter is indeed a part of this new independent change, and is seeking to connect with our fan base even further with this campaign.  Raising money will assist us in the production of our film in addition to increasing awareness of it.  There is a distinct value in having an intimate relationship to those who care most about our work, and we are thankful to Kickstarter for helping foster these relationships.

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Don’t worry about Ellis and Schrader. They got their money June 9th. And because the internet is indeed a wonderful place, “The Canyons team” never even had to specify what they’re going to do with the dough.

Only in  Hollywood. Oh, wait…

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