…And we think it’s kinda cool:
Fox Developing Short-Form Comedy Series – by Kimberly Roots (TVLine.Com)
Next summer, Fox will give comedy the short end of the schtick.
Taking a cue from Web comedy troves like Funnyordie.com and Collegehumor.com, the network will bundle four short-form sitcoms and offer them in each episode of The Short-Com Comedy Hour. These scripted mini-masterpieces will feature well-known actors and comedians as well as up-and-comers.
The multi-camera series also will serve as an incubator to find the best vignettes, which the network will order to series.
“We are basically ripping open the traditional scripted comedy development process with The Short-Com Comedy Hour,” Fox president Kevin Reilly said in a statement. “Our end goal is to provide distinct comedy voices with a world-class platform to experiment, grow and perfect their ideas and to hopefully build them into mainstream comedy hits in the future. We’re looking forward to seeing what the untapped comedy community has to offer.”
Only problem we see here is that next summer is a long time from now, and here in TV land, even the best of intentions tend to, well, kind of wander away…