…We/they just got lost in the shuffle. So we’re re-dealing:

SDCC: 2012 Scribe Award Winners
by Glenn Haumann case you weren’t following our Twitter feed on Friday (and why weren’t you?) you missed the winners of the International Association of Media Tie-In Writer’s annual Scribe Awards ceremony, held Friday night at Comic-Con in San Diego.
Kevin J. Anderson was awarded this year’s Grandmaster award for remarkable achievements in the tie-in field, which include more than one hundred novels, adding up to over 20 million books in print in thirty languages. His work includes the Star Wars “Jedi Academy” books, three internationally bestselling X-Files novels, the Superman novels The Last Days of Krypton and Enemies & Allies, many novelizations (Sky Captain And The World of Tomorrow, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, etc.) and ten globally bestselling Dune novels he has co-authored with Brian Herbert.
But he wasn’t alone accepting honors on Friday. Cowboys & Aliens by Joan D. Vinge was the winner for Best Adaptation, Dungeons & Dragons — Forgotten Realms: Brimstone Angels by Erin M. Evans took the prize for Best Speculative Original Novel, Mike Hammer: Kiss Her Goodbye by Max Allan Collins & Mickey Spillane won for Best Original Novel, Thunderbirds: Extreme Hazard by Joan Marie Yerba was honored for Best Young Adult Novel, and Mike Hammer: Encore for Murder by Max Allan Collins & Mickey Spillane won the Best Audio award.
The awards were given Friday night, but the news didn’t break until today, Wednesday. We promise to do our best to get this kind of thing out there sooner. Consider this a genuine TVWriter™ pledge.