by Larry Brody
What a concept!
Mike Gold’s bio says he’s from Chicago. And we all know that Chicagoans have a singular superpower: The power to offend – and often to terribly hurt others – with the truth.
So when he says there are some solid comic books out there that readers can turn to without having to know 70 years of continuity, I believe it. Can’t wait to try out the titles he recommends:
Mike Gold: The Great Comic Book Retro-Expansion
by Mike Gold
Last week I bitched and moaned about how we’ve turned our backs on comics that can be appreciated by readers of all ages in order to follow the money that kids ain’t got and some adults might have. I also tied this into continuity impenetrable to newcomers that is spread over about a hundred dollars’ worth of monthly product. I can be snotty that way.
In just the past couple of years, we have seensomething of a return to comics that can be enjoyed by readers young and old. Publishers can’t help the self-consciousness suffered by Baby Boomers and some Gen-Xers, but today’s new middle-agers were raised without much of the stigma us old folks suffered during the Wertham rage. So, I am now taking it upon myself to point out a few titles that work for a general audience that is fearless enough to read comic books on the bus, be it to work or to school.
Gold goes on to name three titles that, as a guy who got his start with a letter published in Amazing Spider-Man back in 1964 (well, actually my first published work was poetry but no one cared), but hasn’t been able to read or follow them in years, I’m ordering right now:
- Zorro Rides Again
- Savage Dragon
- Batman Beyond Unlimited