BEVERLY HILLS COP Series By…Shawn Ryan?

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Eddie Murphy and Shawn Ryan Are Teaming Up to Make a Beverly Hills Cop TV Show – by Josef Adalian

Nearly a year ago, Eddie Murphy told Rolling Stone that he was interested in turning his classic 1984 action comedy Beverly Hills Cop into a TV show. Now Vulture has learned exclusively that the project is not only a reality, but that The Shield creator Shawn Ryan is leading the charge to resurrect Axel Foley. Multiple industry insiders tell us Ryan, Murphy and Sony Pictures Television have partnered on a small screen adaptation of the massively successful film franchise, and that broadcast networks began hearing their pitch on the spin-off this afternoon. And here’s the kicker: In addition to his main role as an exec producer, Murphy has agreed to an on-camera role in the show. Feel free to begin doing the Neutron Dance.

Murphy telegraphed his intent to be a visible presence in the TV version of Cop during his chat with Rolling Stone last October. “I’d do the pilot, show up here and there,” he told the magazine. Murphy was also very specific about the idea he had for reviving Axel. It would be a series “starring Axel Foley’s son, and Axel is the chief of police now in Detroit.”

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The question, of course, is what will the tone of this show be? Shawn Ryan or Eddie Murphy? And don’t try to suggest that there’s some perfect in-between meeting point. Cuz even we, great compromisers that we are, know there isn’t.

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