Although, when you think about it, what CAN’T we learn from him?
8 Lessons for Modern Creators from Leonardo da Vinci
by Simon Brushfield
[T]he lessons of Leonardo and his time are not confined to the history books – here’s what they have to teach modern artists and creators.
1. New knowledge brings new creative possibilities
2. Align yourself with power…
3. Don’t hide your light under a bushel…
4. Perfectionism sabotages even the greatest artists…
5. Solitude is essential for creativity…
6. Experimentation comes at a price…
7. Power shifts unpredictably and fast…
8. Leave a legacy you can be proud of…
These are the kinds of lessons all creative people should be able to apply to their lives here and now. In fact, several life coach types seem to be doing that, as a quick googling will show. (Wonder if Leonardo would want a piece of the action if he were still alive.)
Ha! Who says TVWriter™ can’t be constructive?
Not sure Leonardo would want a piece (he’d be too busy inventing a kabillion more things) but his lawyers definitely would.