NBC Buys Another Procedural – From Kelsey Grammar

Not a pic from the upcoming series, but pretty damn freaky, for sure.

Well, from his company anyway. Gramnet Productions and Lionsgate have sold the most active network buyer in town (the town being L.A., okay?) a drama series called PARIAH.

Written by Kevin Fox, whose credits include LIE TO ME, LAW & ORDER: SVU, the feature film THE NEGOTIATOR, and the novel Until Next Time, PARIAH could well be the weirdest project on any network’s development list: A cop show based on the various “Freakonomics” books and website, created by economist authors Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner.

According to Deadline.Com, the series premise boils down to this:

[T]he Mayor of San Diego appoints a rogue academic with no law enforcement background to run a task force using Freakonomics-inspired alternative methods of policing. This causes an uproar within the police department as the morally conflicted, conspiracy-minded academic solves crimes by conducting his controversial experiments on citizens of the city.

You don’t get it? Neither do we, but think about that for a moment. How wonderful is it that a broadcast network is actually considering a series so out there that even we, the hippest of the hip, are scratching our heads? You got it.Very wonderful indeed.

We’ll definitely be talking about this one in weeks to come. (Unless Bob Greenblatt or some other genius at NBC wakes up in a cold sweat and kills PARIAH before it gets started.)

Write Kevin Fox doesn’t look either a freak or a pariah

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