by Chriss Anglin
Hi TVWriter fans. Since my very good friend Larry Brody asked me to become a contributor here, I thought it was about time I got off my ass and did so.
So, I’ll begin with a little introduction and brief bio of who I am and how I got here.
My name’s Chriss Anglin, and as much as I know it will annoy all you genius writers, I am an actor first and foremost. About 15 years ago, I was a small town deputy sheriff in New Mexico. When I was offered the opportunity to work undercover narcotics, I thought that taking a theater class might help me with the job. It did, but I also got hooked on acting, being the natural ham I am. About 12 years ago, a buddy I had done theater with, came back from LA after attempting to make in movies and talked me into his “Acting for Film” class. It sounded fun, so I did it. That was it. I fell in love with making movies.
I met Larry on my first feature film “Get Goosed” and he has been a great friend and mentor ever since.
Now, here I am in LA going on my 11th year. I’ve had some really fun roles, but I’m far from making a living as an actor. So, I started writing as another way to stay creative. Am I good at it? Well, that depends on who you ask. I think I’m okay. My friends think I’m great. Literary Agents and Studios think I suck. C’est La Vie.
My plan in my future posts is to share with you some of my rejection letters from the studios and what I learned from them. Hopefully this will help all of you and be cathartic for me.
Have a great day 😉
Chriss, I’ll give you the same advice I gave my students at UCLA. Before they fired me. The trick to writing is simple. Tell an honest story honestly. Tell it from the heart, adding a touch of the mind so others can understand it. And above all, to be a writer — a good writer — you must write to TELL a story and not to SELL a story. It’s that simple. gerald sanford
Thanks Gerald. There is no better advise for any writer and what I always try to do.
Great! Now you, too, will starve. Misery needs company. gs
Looking forward to your posts, Chriss!
Chris Anglin is my new internet best friend.
Excuse me, Chriss with 2 “s”‘s. I am a bad friend.