LB: What’s the Connection between the Silver Surfer and My Favorite Failed Web Site?

by Larry Brody

TVWriter.Com has been a very successful website for a very long time. But that hasn’t kept me from thinking about ways to make our little home away from home a bit more than it’s been.

Got to thinking about a website Dan Davison and I put together about five years ago. The object behind PeerProducer.Com was to – for free – teach newbies how to make the best video they could. We never really got it flying for all the reasons most people don’t get things flying.

But today I ran across this promo video I made with another Dan, Dan Reynolds, President of TV station KTO 8 in the garden spot (I mean this) of Harrison, AR. And, dammit, I don’t care if it only got 187 views. I like it. read article

Our Mission

By Larry Brody

TVWriter™  is about you. The new writer. And you. The experienced writer. The writer in search of knowledge. The writer perfecting his or her skill. The writer dreaming about “making it” in the media today.

Want to become part of showbiz as we currently know it? A writer or writer-producer of sitcoms or dramas or action series? A writer or writer-producer of television movies? A writer or writer-director of feature films?

Great! Terrific! TVWriter™  is for YOU. read article