…and his buddy Tom Sawyer as well. (No word on their mentor Jim.)
ABC Developing Tom Sawyer-Huckleberry Finn Drama (Exclusive) by Lesley Goldberg
The network is developing Finn & Sawyer, a contemporary take on Mark Twain‘s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Hollywood Reporter has learned exclusively.
The drama hails from Detroit 1-8-7 duo Jason Richman and David Zabel and is described as an adventure-themed reinvention that revolves around the two famed literary characters who re-meet as young men in their 20s and form an investigative firm in a bustling and steampunk New Orleans.
There’s more in this article, including news about a couple of other pilot projects, but we’re just too repulsed by Tom & Huck: Steampunk Private Eyes to read any further. Maybe later. (Sorry Jason and David. You guys deserve better.)
Oh well, at least one good thing may come out of this project. If it succeeds, it will totally destroy the so-over and therefore already dead although not yet buried steampunk craze. (Hey, didn’t Alan Moore create steampunk? We think that case could be made. But that’s another article…)
Once in a while I try to think of the worst pitch ever, but I never would have arrived at this.