A few weeks ago we ran an excerpt from an article on outlining that munchman found on the web. The post began with the following (written anonymously by our suddenly modest editor):
There’s an awful lot of “How To Write A Good Outline” info out there, not only on the web but also in books. The section on outlining in our very own LB’s Television Writing from the Inside Out comes to mind. But until we can get him to condense the info and put it on this site, here’s what we believe to be the next best thing….
It is a good article, but the muncher is right. A more thorough discussion of outlining specifically as it relates to television and film scripts has been long overdue here. So I’ve slaved night and day re-examining the whole “story-breaking” process and coming up with the latest of what I like to call (probably because I’m too lazy to think of a better title) our TVWriter™ Writers’ Bulletins.
Based on (think “riffing off”) 40+ years of writing, writing, and more writing aided and abetted by material in my book (so buy it already!) Television Writing from the Inside Out, and supplemented just a bit by the “Ask the Television Expert” section I created for Final Draft Screenwriting software, plus various assorted augers and omens, Writing the Dreaded Outline is waiting for you here.
Hope it helps you as much as following its patterns has helped me over lo! these many years.
Thank you for slaving. I’m still trying to conquer the outlining process–I write mostly by the seat of my pants. Which is not only frustrating but wastes a lot of time when you need to write quick.
You’re very welcome, Kathy.
Of course, when you love what you’re doing it’s not really slavery…unless…oh hell…damn…
My problem now is re-outlining based on vague/shitty notes. Sigh…
Most executives/producers give vague/shitty notes. I know I do. The key to appearing like a genius to these people is to ignore any specific “fix” they give you but accept the fact that something is bugging them, and then go over the section/word(s) they’re complaining about until you can figure out what’s too obscure or too obvious or too derivative or not derivative enough. Come up with your own change based on that and 99 times out of a hundred the notegivers will think you’re a genius.
Most stories follow the hero’ journey (like shown at http://www.clickok.co.uk/index4.html ) so use that as the basis of the outline.
I think that’s an exaggeration, but as someone who regards his own life as the most wonderful hero’s journey at all I’m sure not going to argue. As far as I’m concerned, when it comes to the mechanics of writing the rule is, “Whatever works for you.”
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