Fundamentals of TV and Film Writing Online Workshop

The TVWriter™ Fundamentals of TV & Film Writing Online Workshop taught by Larry Brody covers everything you need to know for both TV and film writing, from how to present your idea (including how to write the dread logline and the even more fearsome leavebehind) to story structure (including character creation and effective outline and treatment construction), the writing of the 1st draft (including the tricks behind characterization and dialog), and even how to revise your teleplay (including advice on how to understand and implement outside notes).

The Basic Workshop is based on the classes the Brode used to teach at The College of Sante Fe and consists of weekly Private Audio-Video Chat Room Meetings (open to Workshop participants only) where writing exercises are disected and discussed. Because of LB’s intensive personal work schedule we are able to offer the Fundamentals Workshop no more than once a year (and sometimes not even that). When the Class is held, it’s usually on Tuesdays at 9 P.M. Eastern, 6 P.M. Pacific time. Each session is up to two hours long, and the entire Workshop runs for six weeks.

Want to know exactly what we’ll be doing in the Fundamentals Workshop? See the week by week breakdown.

The price of the Fundamentals Workshop is only $299, less than most local, in-person Workshops. And, to make learning even more painless, scholarships and other forms of financial aid are also available.

People keep asking, “What’s the textbook for this class?” Well, look no further than Television Writing from the Inside Out: Your Channel to Success, Larry Brody’s best-selling paperback and e-book on the Art and Business of TV writing. Television Writing from the Inside Out is structured perfectly for what the Workshop covers. Not coincidentally, the book is well worth owning even if you’re not taking the class.


The Writer

Don’t just sit there. Write!

3 thoughts on “Fundamentals of TV and Film Writing Online Workshop”

  1. What is a recognized intellectual property registration service? Where do I find this service? I was going to use tvwritersvault till I read a comment elsewhere that actually suggested your site. So where do I register my show that’s safe?

    1. Hi Darrell,

      Well, since this site doesn’t register material, we’re out.

      Right now, the only registration services that I know well enough to recommend are those of both the Writers Guild of America, West and the Writers Guild of America, East.

      Neither guild is in it for the buck. They’re doing a legit public service. I’m most familiar with the WGAW, at . It’s a great place to pop over to and check out anyway because it’s got material on just about everything you could want to know about writing for TV and film.


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