by Peggy Bechko
For myself, as a writer, I’ve never really known what direction my career might take. I loved writing novels and I enjoyed creating scripts from the movies in my head.
Yes, I’ve written and published novels; sixteen of them at last count, mostly traditionally published with houses such as Doubleday, Harlequin, Five Star and others, but additionally as an Indie writer.
I’ve also written and optioned a number of screenplays, written blogs (this one included along with being a regular Contributing Editor at Be sure to visit. I talk about writing and will be doing a longer, ‘how this all started’ article there.
But this latest incarnation/twist in my writer’s journey I didn’t see coming. Or, at least it came low on my list.
Technology certainly has had an impact on what I decided to do. I’ve always thought in pictures. Created my novels from the movie in my head and the same for the screen scripts, but this is a whole new ball game.
Recently I released, with a writing and illustrating partner, Charlene Brash-Sorensen, a new comic series,Planet Of The Eggs. First issue, volume one; Cracked Open.
It’s a true labor of love with a learning curve about as steep as can be imagined. I would have said as steep as Everest or maybe the Empire State building, but I think leaving it to your imagination is probably better.
And yes, technology is a big player. I have ideas, lots of them, and I write, lots of stuff, but putting together a comic series? It seemed impossible only a short time ago unless I wanted to approach a comic house and try to sell my ideas. Since this is a blast and not to be trampled (as can many times happen in a development cycle) in my humble opinion, I wanted to do it Indie.
Then I discovered the software. Yep, lots of software. I’m learning a lot about Photoshop, the ins and outs of Power Point and a comic creator software that is great. Learning, learning, learning. That’s Where I’m at. Still learning, but it’s coming together nicely (again in my own humble opinion) and we were very excited to launch Volume 1, Issue 1 just this past week.
It truly is amazing how technology is leaping forward. Yeah, I know, I kind of give away my age saying that, but it’s the truth. From an era to typewriters to this ever-changing, opportunity-generating time, it is, simply amazing. One whole heckuva lot of fun too!
So, now that I’ve shifted gears into this arena will I still be writing books such as Science Fiction, Romance, Horror or Western? You bet I will! Screen scripts? Yep! I’ve been accused of being too scattered, but I’m having such a good time I really don’t care. For me it’s always been explore, have fun, and see where it takes you.
Grab a copy of the first adventure in Planet Of The Eggs and be sure to watch for the next installment! And don’t forget to stop by and like our Planet Of The Eggs Facebook page. We’re going to have discussions, giveaways, and more there.
Peggy Bechko is a TVWriter™ Contributing Editor. This article originally appeared on her oh-so-terrific blog. Learn more about her HERE. And don’t forget Peggy’s new comic series, Planet of the Eggs, written and illustrated with Charlene Brash-Sorensen is available on Kindle. Grab your copy now!