by Larry Brody

Today is a big day for me. It’s the Official Opening Day for the new TVWriter.Com website.

Lots of changes, including:

A complete redesign!

A new name!

A new logo and favicom to go with the new name!

(What, the favicom thingie doesn’t do it for you? After how hard I struggled to get it right? Damn…!)

We went for the redesign for several reasons.

I’ve always thought the previous design was great, which is why we kept it for about a dozen years. But a dozen years? That’s three high school/college generations. On the interwebs, anything that old is ancient history.

And seeing something I’d seen for so long everyday left me feeling flat as a creator. The static page set-up created boundaries that made me feel constrained. The whole concept of a “company site” made me feel constrained. So we’ve switched to a more contemporary blog model, where I feel freer about presenting myself as, well, as me, talking to you – and listening too.

I’ll be posting thoughts, answers to your questions (which means you’ve got to ask ’em), articles, news items, snippets, and lots of video as frequently as I can while making sure it all feels like fun. And I’m inviting current and former visitors and students to blog about their experiences trying (and so often succeeding) to make it in the Big Badass Showbiz World. Just thinking about what we’re up to energizes me. Nothing LB likes better than taking life into the future. Nothing I appreciate more than ambition.

It’s your ambition that matters most. TVWriter is here to aid and abet your climb to the top of the writing food chain. When I started out, back in the prehistoric 1960s, I was lucky enough to learn on the job from a variety of talented, smart, and sometimes even wise mentors. Now it’s time to give back. Which I can do only if you USE this site. Keep on coming by and help us all.

Speaking of ambition, we’re changing the name from TVWriter.Com to TVWriter. One reason for that is overwhelming vanity/ambition because, hell, this is Big Badass Showbiz and I’m that kind of guy. Another reason is that it seemed silly to call this place TVWriter.Com when it’s sprawled out over a mess of URLs including tvwriter.com, tvwriter.com, screenandtvwriting.com, televisionwriting.com, and several more.

And, yes, there’s a practical and, I admit, promotional reason as well. Many of today’s social apps got totally deranged by the .Com thing in our former name and would automatically insert links in the middle totally screwing things up. TVWriter they get. (And TVWriter™ too.)

I’ve got to get back to work, which means playing with this new site. I hope you’ll come back and play too. Today is, indeed, a big day for me.

But the most important thing is for it to become a big day for you.

Author: LB

A legendary figure in the television writing and production world with a career going back to the late ’60s, Larry Brody has written and produced hundreds of hours of American and worldwide television and is a consultant to production companies and networks in the U.S. and abroad . Shows written or produced by Brody have won several awards including - yes, it's true - Emmys, Writers Guild Awards, and the Humanitas Award.


  1. Hmm, it turns out that neither FB nor Twitter will let me change the account name from TVWriter.Com to TVWriter.

    FB because we’ve got “too many” fans/likes. Twitter because just plain TVWriter is already taken.

    Gotta love minor setbacks. Because, like family, they’re always gonna be around.

  2. The new and improved TVWRITER website looks great. It’s easy to navigate, loads of info and I can even pick from designer colors. What more can a net surfer ask for? Aloha!

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