It’s PEOPLE’S PILOT Success Story Time!

Vesta GilesVesta Giles, a finalist in the 2014 People’s Pilot Competition and student in the TVWriter™ Advanced Online Workshop and Larry Brody’s Master Class, has written the upcoming Lifetime TV Movie Justice Unleashed and is, in fact hard at work rewriting her second successful Lifetime sale even as we speak.

Justice Unleashed is the story of a woman judge searching for her runaway daughter, who has become the victim of human traffickers, and LB remembers its origin vividly.

“Vesta wrote a hard-hitting, totally unsentimental script in my class. I was amazed by the power in her work to start with and even more impressed by the way she responded to criticism and made it even better. Vesta knows how to listen and learn and put into practice what she learns. She has the superpower of being able to ‘get it.’ And that’s a rare and valuable power indeed.” read article

Vesta Giles: Success Story – Alan Bradley finds silver screen sweetness at the bottom of the pie

alan bradley the author

EDITED TO ADD: Holy crap! Another TVWriter™ Online Workshop student is now a best-selling author, while I, the lowly munchman, labor at my far-from-dreamy dayjob. Maybe I should do the Workshop too? LB, can ya give me a little financial breakage? Huh?

In 2003, forest fires raged through the interior of British Columbia. The oppressive heat and dryness of that summer created the perfect conditions for the fires that burned out entire towns and countless homes over an area bigger than some European countries. In Kamloops, where I live, we were surrounded on three sides with heavy smoke and flames that jumped from treetop to treetop for more than a month. It was memorable, to say the least. read article